Wednesday, 6 April 2011
.... On the 17th of February this year I sent a message to all my friends and loved ones via facebook, who were eagerly awaiting the birth of our first child. Sadly, this was not the news they were expecting to hear.

"Our little boy passed away last night at 39 +4. So close to the end. Still yet to give birth to our sleeping angel. will be having a c section at some point today. No answers as to why or how it happened at this stage."

My pregnancy was absolutely fine. Bubs heartbeat measured around 140bpm every visit. My blood pressure was fine, Fundal height had measured on target every week. On the 16th of February- I just didn’t feel him moving. I wondered whether to go and get it checked out, since babies are known for generally moving less just before birth.. I had a glass of orange juice and a lie down... but when that failed to kick-start anything I became a little concerned.